In the modern world of sat navs and GPS, it's easy to make our journeys without really considering where we are actually going, how to get there, or how people managed to find their way around the entire globe in the distant past.
However there is much knowledge in danger of disappearing as we increase our reliance on technology, knowledge of how to navigate by the stars and the sun, and of what nature can tell you to help determine your direction.

Enter into the fascinating world of direction finding by nature and you will never again make a journey without giving thought to where you are going, the landscape around you and the way to get there.
Once you begin to understand this addictive subject you will see the signs are everywhere, and you will certainly notice and consider things you previously missed, whether hiking in the wilderness or walking across town.
Your day will consist firstly of a "classroom" session around the fire in our base camp to explain a few essentials. This will be followed by a guided walk to observe and discuss various natural indicators of direction, and relate the theory to practical use.
Celestial Navigation- Direction finding from the stars moon and sun
Reading the landscape
Understanding what plants can tell you about direction from large trees to shrubs, heliotropic plants and even the grass beneath your feet.
Understanding the relationship between light, wind and moisture. and how it is written onto the environment.
If you want some fascinating reading, for before or after course attendance, we recommend 'The Natural Navigator' by Tristan Gooley, and his website for more information.